all commands may be either upper or lower or mixed case
Currently the following User commands are available.
Use /HELPOP <command name> to get more information about
a specific command.
/ADMIN Displays information about the administrators for the server you are on
/LICENSE Displays the UnrealIRCd license
/PART Leave a channel
/USERHOST Displays a userhost
/AWAY Marks user as away
/LINKS Displays server links
/PING Ping another user
/USERIP Gets user hostmask
/CREDITS UnrealIRCd credits
/LIST Lists channels carried by the server
/PONG Respond to /ping
/VERSION The current UnrealIRCd version
/CYCLE Leave and then join the same channel
/LUSERS List users carried by the server
/PRIVMSG Send a private message to another user, see also /msg
/VHOST Set or request virtual host
/DALINFO Displays UnrealIRCd and Dalnet credits
/MAP Displays the IRCd map
/QUIT Disconnect from server and (usually) close IRC client
/WATCH See below
/DCCALLOW Enable DCC requests
/MODE Set mode channel or self (user)
/RULES Display server rules
/WHO Display information about a user
/INVITE Invite a user to a channel
/SETNAME Manually set Ident
/WHOIS Display information about a user
/ISON Determine if a user is online
/MOTD Display the Message Of The Day
/SILENCE Display the silence list
/WHOWAS Display information about a user no longer on the server
/JOIN Join a channel
/NAMES Display information about users in a channel
/KICK Kick a user from a channel, requires +hoaq
/NICK Change nickname
/TIME Display server time
/KNOCK Knock on an invite-only (+i) channel
/NOTICE Send a notice to a channel or user
/TOPIC Set channel topic, requires +hoaq
Watch is a notify-type system on the server which is both faster
and uses less network resources than any old-style notify
system. The server will send you a message when any nickname
in your watch list logs on or off.
The watch list DOES NOT REMAIN BETWEEN SESSIONS - You (or your
script or client) must add the nicknames to your watch list every
time you connect to an IRC server.
Syntax: WATCH +nick1 +nick2 +nick3 (Add nicknames)
WATCH -nick (Delete nicknames)
WATCH (View which users are online)
Appending "help" after all services commands will output more information about what functions are available under each command. This only works for services commands. For example:
/ns help
ChanServ provides channel control commands through any of the following commands that are all equivalent:
/msg chanserv
NickServ provides nick control commands through any of the following commands that are all equivalent:
/msg nickserv
HostServ provides an automated way to request and set virtual hosts that will appear instead of your actual hostmask to other members of the IRC network.
/msg hostserv
MemoServ provides an automated way to send messages to registered, but offline users. They will recieve the messages when they identify.
/msg memoserv
Commands to identify yourself to the services server; the equivalent of logging in.
/msg nickserv identify <password>
/identify <password>
NickServ allows you to "register" a nickname and
prevent others from using it. The following
commands allow for registration and maintenance of
nicknames; to use them, type /msg NickServ command.
For more information on a specific command, type
/msg NickServ HELP command.
REGISTER Register a nickname
GROUP Join a group
GLIST Lists all nicknames in your group
IDENTIFY Identify yourself with your password
ACCESS Modify the list of authorized addresses
SET Set options, including kill protection
SASET Set SET-options on another nickname
DROP Cancel the registration of a nickname
RECOVER Kill another user who has taken your nick
RELEASE Regain custody of your nick after RECOVER
SENDPASS Forgot your password? Try this
GHOST Disconnects a "ghost" IRC session using your nick
ALIST List channels you have access on
INFO Displays information about a given nickname
LIST List all registered nicknames that match a given pattern
LOGOUT Reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command
STATUS Returns the owner status of the given nickname
UPDATE Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos
GETPASS Retrieve the password for a nickname
GETEMAIL Matches and returns all users that registered using given email
FORBID Prevents a nickname from being registered
SUSPEND Suspend a given nick
UNSUSPEND Unsuspend a given nick
OINFO Add / Del an OperInfo line to a nick
Services admins can also drop any nickname without needing
to identify for the nick, and may view the access list for
any nickname (/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST nick).
Nicknames that are not used anymore are subject to
the automatic expiration, i.e. they will be deleted
after 21 days if not used.
NOTICE: This service is intended to provide a way for
IRC users to ensure their identity is not compromised.
It is NOT intended to facilitate "stealing" of
nicknames or other malicious actions. Abuse of NickServ
will result in, at minimum, loss of the abused
*ChanServ* ChanServ allows you to register and control various
aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent
malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting
who is allowed channel operator privileges. Available
commands are listed below; to use them, type
/msg ChanServ command. For more information on a
specific command, type /msg ChanServ HELP command.
REGISTER Register a channel
IDENTIFY Identify yourself with your password
SET Set channel options and information
SOP Modify the list of SOP users
AOP Modify the list of AOP users
HOP Maintains the HOP (HalfOP) list for a channel
VOP Maintains the VOP (VOicePeople) list for a channel
ACCESS Modify the list of privileged users
LEVELS Redefine the meanings of access levels
AKICK Maintain the AutoKick list
DROP Cancel the registration of a channel
SENDPASS Help retrieve lost passwords
BAN Bans a selected nick on a channel
UNBAN Remove all bans preventing you from entering a channel
CLEAR Tells ChanServ to clear certain settings on a channel
OWNER Gives you owner status on channel
DEOWNER Removes your owner status on a channel
PROTECT Protects a selected nick on a channel
DEPROTECT Deprotects a selected nick on a channel
OP Gives Op status to a selected nick on a channel
DEOP Deops a selected nick on a channel
HALFOP Halfops a selected nick on a channel
DEHALFOP Dehalfops a selected nick on a channel
VOICE Voices a selected nick on a channel
DEVOICE Devoices a selected nick on a channel
GETKEY Returns the key of the given channel
INVITE Tells ChanServ to invite you into a channel
KICK Kicks a selected nick from a channel
LIST Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern
LOGOUT This command will logout the selected nickname
TOPIC Manipulate the topic of the specified channel
INFO Lists information about the named registered channel
GETPASS Retrieve the founder password for a channel
FORBID Prevent a channel from being used
SUSPEND Prevent a channel from being used preserving
channel data and settings
UNSUSPEND Releases a suspended channel
STATUS Returns the current access level of a user
on a channel
APPENDTOPIC Add text to a channels topic
ENFORCE Enforce various channel modes and set options
OINFO Add / Del an OperInfo line to a channel
Note that any channel which is not used for 14 days
(i.e. which no user on the channel's access list enters
for that period of time) will be automatically dropped.
Services admins can also drop any channel without needing
to identify via password, and may view the access, AKICK,
and level setting lists for any channel.
HostServ commands:
ON Activates your assigned vhost
OFF Deactivates your assigned vhost
GROUP Syncs the vhost for all nicks in a group
LIST Displays one or more vhost entries.
SET Set the vhost of another user
SETALL Set the vhost for all nicks in a group
DEL Delete the vhost of another user
DELALL Delete the vhost for all nicks in a group
REQUEST Request a vHost for your nick
ACTIVATE Approve the requested vHost of a user
REJECT Reject the requested vHost of a user
WAITING Convenience command for LIST +req
MemoServ is a utility allowing IRC users to send short
messages to other IRC users, whether they are online at
the time or not, or to channels(*). Both the sender's
nickname and the target nickname or channel must be
registered in order to send a memo.
MemoServ's commands include:
SEND Send a memo to a nick or channel
CANCEL Cancel last memo you sent
LIST List your memos
READ Read a memo or memos
DEL Delete a memo or memos
SET Set options related to memos
INFO Displays information about your memos
CHECK Checks if last memo to a nick was read
STAFF Send a memo to all opers/admins
SENDALL Send a memo to all registered users
Type /msg MemoServ HELP command for help on any of the
above commands.
(*) By default, any user with at least level 10 access on a
channel can read that channel's memos. This can be
changed with the ChanServ LEVELS command.